报告时间: 2024年11月18日(星期一)上午9:30-11:30
报 告 人:Guanyi Lu
工作单位:Florida State University
An estimated 78.1% of U.S. workers experience between-task idle time, which can negatively impact both companies and employees. Despite this, the literature has largely overlooked the mixed roles of idle time, particularly for routine job workers. Idle time may disrupt task inertia, causing extra time and effort to resume work, or it could facilitate effort recovery, enhancing subsequent task performance. This study seeks to reconcile these conflicting views using real-world big data, focusing on the effects of between-task idle time on cashier productivity in retail settings, while also considering the moderating effect of work experience. Analyzing over 1.2 million transaction-level observations, the findings reveal that idle time has a U-shaped effect on cashier performance in small-to-medium-sized retailers. For less-experienced cashiers, however, this relationship shifts to an inverted U-shape. These insights can help practitioners optimize staffing and work schedules, ultimately reducing labor costs while improving employee performance.
Dr. Guanyi Lu is an associate professor and dean’s emerging scholar in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain at Florida State University’s College of Business. His areas of expertise are retail operations, supply chain structure and integration, supply chain risk and security, and information and communication technology. Lu’s research has appeared in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences among others. He serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Operations Management and Decision Sciences. His service was recognized by the 2018 Best Reviewer Award of Decision Sciences, the 2020 Best Reviewer Award of Journal of Operations Management, and the 2022 Best Associate Editor Award of Journal of Operations Management.