报告人:Massimiliano Vasile教授
工作单位:University of Strathclyde
Talk 1: AI and Computational Astrodynamics
Talk 2: Introduce ongoing research projects and progress in Strathclyde Aerospace Centre of Excellence
Talk 3:How to write and publish high-level academic papers: Perspective from the Associate Editor of JGCD.
Massimiliano Vasile, is currently Professor of Space Systems Engineering and Director of the Aerospace Centre of Excellence at the University of Strathclyde.
He received his M.S. in 1996 and Ph.D. in 2001 from Politecnico di Milano. He sits on the AIAA Astrodynamics and IAF Space Power committees, and chairs the IEEE task force on Emerging Technologies in Space and Aerospace. He is scientific adviser to the UK delegation to UNOOSA and sits on the UN Space Mission Planning Advisory Group. He is a member of the UKSA delegation to the IADC, covering space environment modelling. His research interests include Computational Astrodynamics, Space Sustainability, Computational Intelligence and Optimization Under Uncertainty exploring the limits of computer science at solving highly complex problems in science and engineering. Asteroid 2002 PX33 “Maxvasile” was named in his honor in recognition of Prof Vasile’s contributions to the development of innovative techniques for the design and optimization of space trajectories and his work on asteroid manipulation.
Prof. Vasile has developed novel numerical methods for single and multi-objective optimization under uncertainty, has pioneered the use of computational intelligence in astrodynamics, and the use of imprecise probability theories in the optimization of space systems. His research has been funded by the European Space Agency, the UK and French Space Agencies, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Planetary Society and the European Commission.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, an AIAA associate fellow and an IEEE senior member.