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电子健康对慢性病管理和医疗资源重构的影响 [2022-04-21]
Mengxiang Li: Strategic Directions For AI: The Role of CIOs and Board... [2022-04-21]
Depression Detection on Social Media [2022-04-11]
肖峰: Modeling and calibration of day-to-day traffic dynamics [2022-04-15]
Guanyi Lu: Product variety in local grocery stores: Differential effe... [2022-04-11]
Chensuo Sun: Predicting Stages in Omnichannel Path to Purchase: A Dee... [2022-01-12]
Fostering End-Users’ Secure Password Management Behaviors through Pa... [2022-01-05]
Brighten the Silent World: How AR Smartglasses Change the Lives of He... [2022-01-05]
寇纲: Profit- and risk-driven credit scoring under parameter uncertai... [2021-11-22]
李嘉: 跨站浏览行为对用户参与的影响研究 [2021-11-18]
李嘉: 跨站浏览行为对用户参与的影响研究 [2021-11-18]
赵一鸣: 基于用户实验的信息搜索行为研究 [2021-11-18]
Shen Jie: Theory applications in management research [2021-11-05]
张建同: 基于用户行为的移动医疗平台定价策略研究 [2021-11-05]
段永瑞: 牛鞭效应的度量和影响 [2021-11-05]

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